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One Hundred Years for Universal Studios


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In the beginning…there was Fort Lee, New Jersey. Situated on the top of the Palisades cliffs, it was a natural fortress during the Revolutionary War, and where, in the start of the 1900s, the early cinema revolution rooted and shot up in and all around the New York/New Jersey landscape. One of the first cinema […]

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Dorothy Gibson: a Reel Jersey Girl


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Dorothy Gibson was a 22 year old silent film star, having found a place in a lifeboat dressed in a sweater and coat over an evening gown on the night of April 14, 1912, the night Titanic sank. Lifeboat 7 was launched at 12:45 a.m. and remained near the sinking ship so it could be […]

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Bills to Reinstate New Jersey Film Tax Credit


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A week since the announcement at the Reel Jersey Girls Symposium in Asbury Park, New Jersey, that Senate Majority Leader, Loretta Weinberg introduced to bills: SB1178 repeals Governor Christie’s suspension of the New Jersey Film Tax Credit and SB1882 to reinstate the New Jersey Film Tax Credit. Since the October 2012 Press Conference held in […]

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