A Decade of Podcasting Love for Music+Film+Festivals
Ten years of podcasting. Unbelievable. When I started, no one even knew what it was. What’s a podcast? How do you find it? Same questions a decade later but that’s changing very quickly as well. This road took me from my start as Managing Editor for Film Festival Reporter into the centric and peripheral forces of independent and art house film, filmmakers from all over the world, music in film, new technology changing the way we make and watch the stories and film festivals that become an integral part of local, national and international economics.
As I look back on where I’ve been and what I’ve done, I am focused and looking ahead to 2016. There must close to ten thousand film festivals, film forums, retrospectives, from theater IMAX to mobile. Now, more than ever, there is a need to stay in step with what seems to be an overwhelming manic pace. Despite taking a break now and then, reassessing the roads converging and mapping a way to make it through this marathon, I’m in it for the long haul and the start of another decade.